Thursday, August 18, 2011

Im 5'3 & weigh 50 kgs-pretty face, good looks- Could I be a model- a face model or petite model for adverts?

Iv tried n tried to find my "pion"- my calling in life- and it keeps coming back to looking good, modeling and being famous- my stats arent very much modely- but i look lik a model- im in Dubai, U.A.E. at the moment which does not have media scope- 2 questions- 1> can i b a model though i am not tall? 2> can an agency/ agent hire me from another country cuz wher im at thers no opportunity?

Origin of Current British Monarchy?

Who was the original person to begin the line of kings and queens of Britain (or England) that still exists today? Also, was there anything special this person did to become ruler?

Physics help pleeeeeeee?

such a long question<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<…

What are some non-electrical devices that can measure time accurately to one tenth of a second?

Pendulums are not allowed and anything that requires electricity is out. This is for a Physics project where the teacher will time out a specific amount of time on a stop watch and each group of students uses their device to figure out the amount of time that had ped when the teacher says stop. We must be accurate to one-tenth of a second.

Did Operation Iraqi Freedom turn you into an atheist?

when i was an atheist i was upset that so many people died because of others religious beliefs and i did move away from god for a little bit but found him again

Where can i get strong H2SO4?

Go to an auto parts supply store. Buy some battery re-fill fluid. It should be 33% H2SO4. Boil it until the water has disapeared (approx. 2/3 of the fluid). What you have left is 98% Sulfuric acid.

Can i be dilating with no contractions????

ok so i was 1 cm dilated and 100% effaced on wed, my contractions are still very irregular. i did alot of walking last night, we were at the beach and i felt lke my tummy was gonna fall off! now i'm having more painful contrations but maybe once every 3 hours. and when she moves or kicks, it hurts real bad! it feels like she's trying to push her way out! i don't have an urge to push but i was just wondering if i could be dilating more than i think. my mucus plug fell out the day after i went to the doc and i heard if it falls out then that means ur at least 2 cm dilated.

Is it possible to get in to snl with standby tickets?

me and 3 other people are planning on going to see snl's season finally with betty white and jay-z and were going to wait in line at 12 o'clock friday before the show, and I was hoping if there was even a chance at getting tickets, and to even get in to the show.

Have you seen Barney Frank has scheduled a vote for H.R. 1207?

you mean the Barney Frank who stood in the way of Fannie and Freddie reform and recently tried to eliminate standards for loans...AGAIN?

Is it still possible to change the capitalization/spacing of your SN in AIM? How do I do this?

All the instructions I've been able to find make reference to a "My AIM" menu that I cannot find anywhere. I remember doing this in the past.. is it still possible?

Im sorta freaking out?! 14 years old, diabetes, severely obese?! HELP 10 POINTS?

ok ive been fat for a while but i was never huge but i am now. i was 170 pounds or so in 2007. then i started eating a lot and now im 220 POUNDS!!! i have stretch marks all over and im afraid i have diabetes. i mean im not thirsty all the time but now im freaking out cuz my doctor says i should be about 170. i would sneak in the pantry and eat pop tarts and muffins and stuff without even thinking! i feel bad about it now though!!! i asked my dad for a blood sugar test but he ran out of strips for his little machine! PLEASE HELP SOMEHOW!!!!!

Who has the right to tell me no?

It seems to me that this isn't a question, as you seem to have already made up your mind. It's good that you have a direction. As long as you are out of school, and of legal age, then this is entirely up to you. Do your research, though. You probably will need a pport, and immunizations, in order to enter foreign countries. I think it would be excellent for you, and a good start to your adult years. Good luck in all you do!

What are the other non-financial services that CARE Bangladesh provides?

CARE Bangladesh provides transportation facility as well as educational istance and it also provides free lunch, free tea.

Why might 2-bromopentane, when reacting sodium iodide in acetone (SN2 reaction) ...?

In a SN2 reaction, it is necessary for the nucleophile to attack the backside of the carbon atom. The 2-carbon of 2-bromopentane must be somewhat more hindered than the 3-carbon of 3-bromopentane. Use a molecular model kit to clarify.

In need of a witty name for my blog?

Okay some info you might need: my name is Scarlet Rose, my blog is basically going to be a compilation of some stories I write, and I need a pretty and/or witty name for it. Anyways, go for it! 10 points for best answer!

When should I stuff the stockings over the fireplace for my kids?

Aw, I miss those days. Stuff the stocking when they are sound asleep.Leave cookies & milk for Santa and a carrot for the deer. I even would leave a few raisins on the carpet,as a joke, and tell the kids that Rudolph must have ate too Much.

Why are guys so confusing?

i went to my school's football game, and i was just walking and the school mascot comes up to me. i was like "ok.?" in my head, and then he starts dancing next to me && he kept following me. i was giggling because i found it funny , and then he stopped because my friend next to me said " dude you have to es!" so then i asked who he was but he said he was teh mascot. so later when teh game was about to end i was standing next to a dog and a little boy came up to me and said "dont let him touch my dog!" and he was pointing at the school mascot. so i said ok. the school \mascot then starts talking to me && asked me who i am, how old i am, what track am i, if im new, and where do i hang out because he wanted to talk to me. throughtout teh whole time i kept asking who he was, and we were playfully fighting, so eventually he took his mask off and kept looking and smiling at me. he then was going to leave with me, but his friends came, so i left. on teh next school day, he came out of no where and poked me && said hi. i was standing with my friemd, and ihe was with his group of friends and he kept was staring at me while talking to his friends && they were looking back at me in a "sneaky" way. afterschool he was skating and stopped when he ran into me and so he talked to me && offered to buy me food && tried to keep a conversation going with me. eventually we seperated and i went to a table and he told me "i'll be back, dont worry" but i hadnt even told him to come with me, not that i didnt mind. he was skating and he said he was tired so he kept on talking to me, and when he talked to me he was shy. we were sitting down && he wanted me to meet his friends and he wanted me to ride his board. time ped and so eventually i had to leave, and after i went away from him, he started skating, just when he said he was tired of it. does he like me or anything like that.?

Valentines Day Giving Etiquette?

Would it be appropriate to get a girl something for valentine's day who i dont know that good but asked me to sadie hawkins

I need a bigger closet...?

You dont need a new closet you can get these one things that you can hang up all your clothes on for like 30 dollars.. go to target, i dunno what there called there rack things thats what i use

I need new music badly!?

you might like blonde redhead or my bloody valentine (dont let the name deter you its a shoegaze band) try the song only shallow, maybe mew- try the song the zookeepers boy, and you may have heard of them already but the pixies-try where is my mind.

Is it true, as it seems to me, that God hates celebrities and mows them down like gr on a golf course?

All this celebrity death has made me afraid to buy my weekly People magazine and receive more bad news. Also, I'm afraid to go out lest the Lord smite me down too because everyone says I resemble Dennis Quaid. I know he's not much of a celebrity any more but he used to be and he's way bigger then that Billy Mays guy. Lord I am so afraid!

How do I recomend an author for a city sighing??

I really want Candra Clare to come by my city for a book sighning, she said she would if she was recommended and it was igned to her. I want to ask Barnes and Noble if theyll set her up but how do I do such a thing?

How do i know that this boy likes me at my school?

ok so theres this boy and he goes to my school. his name is michael. we have been friends since the last semester in 6th grade. now were in the seventh grade and its almost the end of the first semester. hes in my homeroom. everyone says that i should go out with him and he likes me but i dont know wat to believe. the other day i went to the zoo for a field trip and i brought my little video camera and at the end of the trip i took a video. i showed it to my sister later on and she told me that it looks like he likes me. if u want to see the video just go to and look at my videos and the video is called look at my smile and thats him.NOW the way he acts around me is like normal and sometimes he jokes around with me well I THINK hes joking with me and he says stuff like i have something to tell u and im like wat? then he says i love u ur so pretty and then he smiles and im just like umm ok? and then he walks away then later he will start fooling around with me and stuff like he would start smiling at me and start staring at me constantly. and sometimes in social studies i would sometimes glance at him and he sees me looking at him and he smiles really BIG. all i want to know is if it sounds like he likes me and if i should make a move?? and idk wat to do. plus hes cute like his face and everything but the problem is that he is 4'5" and im 5'4" he says he was premature which i totally understand. so how do i know he likes me? and should i make a move?? plzzzz help and tell me!!!

Should i downgrade to windows xp?

You can upgrade your RAM and processor to boost your computer performance. It is better than downgrading your OS. Also check for the background processes going on in your computer. They make your PC slow too..You can check the processes by doing a three finger salute--hold down ctrl+alt+del, and click on processes. End the processes that you think is not important.

Why Do some people just give you the creeps?

I think it's human instincts. Even animals can sense if somethings wrong with their fellow kin. For example, if I think something is wrong with a person or situation, my heart starts beating quickly and I start to sweat. I just think your instincts are more intensified than other people. Some people do not have this six sense and they seem to do the opposite of what common sense tells them to do. You should just embrace your unique gift and hope that you have good life because of it ;)

Researchers suggest gangs serves as an alternative to rejection.?

The gang as a subculture represents a collective response to a shared problem. What are the benefits in such subcultures?

What is the word that the?

I am writing a paper on R&J and I would like to carry that recurring religious imagery onto my paper. Any other ideas, please jot them down.

Please take a little time, where do you think this prologue will lead?

It sounds very confusing and honestly (but with no offense) somewhat boring. I don't understand where the prologue ends. I feel that it is a bit too repetitive and rudundant. However, I do like some of the metaphors you used. Hope this helps!

Why didn't NASA April fool us by saying that there's a gigantic asteroid coming our way in 24 hours?

Because a lot of people would believe it and that could cause widespread panic. Safer to make up some other joke, like Elvis discovered to be alive and living on Mars or whatever. But NASA has no sense of humor.

Miserable summer! Please help. ?

I'm going to try and rephrase my last question. So here's my situation: I'm stuck at home while all my friends are on vacation for pretty much the entire summer. I have Absolutly no money. When I asked this question last time, people kept suggesting things that involved money. I seriously don't have a dime. I am stuck at home penniless. And I also can't be in the sun because I am on medication that makes me extremely sensetive to the sun, so no swimming for me. Is there any suggestions? I know this is a difficult question to answer. ( and I also can't Work).I don't want to be stuck at home watching movies all day:(

Ufc 100 st. pierre vs alves?

i think gsp will win, but anderson gotta get past vitor as dana says he wants to bring him back, i thnk vitor is a great match up for anderson and i like him beating the spider, so gsp vs. vitor would be baller as hell

Odyssey essay.. plz help!!!?

Homer included both because some things were not easily explained hence divine intervention. That's the simplistic answer.

Nice Hotel in Baltimore,Md.?

I am planning a trip to Baltimore for the 200th anniversary of Edgar Allan Poe's death in October of 2009.I am looking for a nice hotel that would be walking distance to the Poe house.I have already stayed at the Mount Vernon Hotel and did not like it.Thanks.

Doi crocodiles live in brazil?

Yes, but in specific regions. Example: In U.S., crocodiles live in Florida; in Brazil, live in the north region and midwest region.

Plz hlp!!! my bff moved and stopped calling?

my bff,christin moved about 1 year and 1 month ago and i would call her and we would talk for like 2 hours on the phone. she is 45 minutes away and both our parents work full time so we can rarely hang out. she never calls me back because she apparently doesnt call anyone back. ive tried reducing my phone calls to like 1 time a week, then 1 time evry 2 weeks, then stopped calling her all together, to try and see if she would care enough about me to call, and she still has not called me back. should i call her and tell her that if she isnt committed to being my friend still, then we shouldnt be friends? or should i call her and talk to her like we are still bffs? or should i wait it out? wat should i do? plz hlp someone!!!

Lord of Flies Questions Ch. 2-4?

Lol ill help you out on #9 its simple he it is "he was a small, skinney boy his chin pointed and his eyes are so bright. He has long black hair that swings down on his forehead. He wore the remains of shorts and his feet were bare. ;-) glad I could help. P.s. I'm working on the same worksheet for lotf lol.

What pills are these?

They are yellow and have the #3 on them also on some it says 93 and under it says 150. On the Back it says Acetaminophen (Tylenol Right?) and Codeine, PHOSPHATE TABLETS (Whats this Mean) USP 300 mg... Packaged by UDL Labrotories.... is it safe to take 4 of these or will i die? Also what exactly is it and all the details cuz i dont want to take to much

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Does anyone else have uncontrollable pregnancy jitters?

well congrats!! truth is wen i first found out i was pregnant, i was more scared then anything, my fiance was soo happy, but im still terrifed, but im very excited too, i find out the on may 14th, im wayy excited about that, im gonna go crazy, i really cant wait to start decorating, and buying clothes

What else can i use for this?

im doing a science project on astronomy and i have to make a board game. i want it to be like chutes and ladders. i think for the ladders im using a spaceship/rocket. i dont know what to use for the chutes that i could find a picture of to put on the board game. does anyone know what i could use?? and if you have like a cartoon picture of it that i could use that would be great too!!

My bricks on my fireplace are crumbling on the outside. I live in NY. Is there a way to prevent this?

Sealers are available. Speak with someone at a hardware store for what exact type you need. Also check to be sure no water is leaking behind the brick. If it is, fixing that may fix your problem.

Why is it that 80% of humans are illiterate.including the us?

most people in the world act like sheep just following the shepherd and not thinking for them self's.why???

Please help me with a friends episode and song ?????

There is an episode in which the 6 of them are at the coffee house doing different things (ie: reading, crossword puzzle, eating) and Ross starts the tune of a song. The others then join in and at one point Chandler (holding a pencil) does a kind of drum thing. After they finish that song Ross then starts the "I Dream of Jeanie" Theme. What episode is that and what is the first song? I can't remember if the scene occurs at the very beginning or the end credits of the episode.

The Underworld is Where all who's died ? thot was the Disney term from the Hercules show?

The Underworld is from the ancient Greek religion. It was a place where everyone went after death. It had a section for the very people (Tartarus), a section for good people (Elysian Fields), and for really good people (Isles of the Blest). The god Hades rules the Underworld. A lot of people think it is called Hades. He has been portrayed as evil, but he is not.

How can I become good at making fun of others?

I want to become good at humiliating others like Vice Ganda or Willie Revillame and show up on TV and make fun of all the contestants. How do they develop their skills?

I have just bought abeckwith chigago piano at a yard sale for 50$ can u tell me some info serial num#52193?

its condition is in need of restoration but the keys play beautiful and just need tuning,im in love with it and iwanna keep it even tho its old please let me know? icant find any answers thanxs.

Is Romney typical of the shallow quitters among the LDS?

I know this sounds so mean, but from the bottom of my heart I mean it - is Mitt Romney just so typical of the LDS, who want so much to play with the Big Leagues but then get all hurt and quit when the going really gets tough? Will the LDS ever join the majors??


I'd put Dal Santo in the starting 18 in front of Swan but got to keep the Collingwood supporters happy I suppose.

Why did I miss my period?

I'm on the pill and after i stopped taking it for the 7 day break my period never came. I took a pregancy test 2 days after it was late and it came out negative. I've been feeling really tired and dizzy. I also keep getting hot flushes. Do I have the menopause? I'm 24.

If I can't open a personal bank account will that stop me from opening a business bank account?

I owe BoA money but don't have it at the moment. However, I am starting a online business and want to run the business as a LLC. Will my personal debts stop me from opening a business bank account?

Does the pope, ahem, poop in the woods?

Whenever I ask my friend agnes anything, that's her answer, although she's a bit more cr in her language. She's really old, I think she may be hard of hearing. Anyway, it got me thinking: does the pope really s*** in the woods? If so, where? I've got enough to worry about with the dear ticks, let alone the spectre of papal poop. Should I avoid heavily wooded areas or just Catholicism?

Help with an attention getter for a comparison and contrast essay?

I am writing a comparison and contrast essay on the mayas and aztecs. We can not use questions as an attention getter. Also our teacher said we can't use websites I know this teacher sucks. however we are allowed to use online encyclopedias but that's basically it besides books. I was thinking a quote would be easiest but other than on websites (which we are not allowed to use) there is not much that talks about both mayas and aztecs together they have books for mayas and books for aztecs but not many together so it's kinda hard to find a quote because the attention getter has to reflect both mayas and aztecs. I'm not expecting you to go online or go in a book to find something for me just give me ideas as to what I can do for a good attention getter.

Where in in's Creed 2 is Leonardo Da Vinci?

I need him to translate 3 more codex pages before I start my new mission and I can not find him. I went to his workshop in Venice and in Florence but I had no luck. Anybody know where he is?

What do you think is the most gory and disturbing account in the bible?

Women boiling their babies and then eating them. And, xians call atheists baby eaters. lmao Hypocrites!!!!

Are these radio the same?

I have a DUAl XDMR7710 and i thought it was this dual xdma7715. Are they the same bec ive been asking question about the 7715 thinking it was the 7710. they look identical?

In view of the recent events on the news about the foiled attacks on planes?

I was wondering if the government would ever put out a warning to all potential suicide bombers and terrorists (whatever religion or cause) that if they commit a terrorist attack all their families will be deported immediatley with no help from the UK maybe this would deter them thinking about what their families would have to go through

Is this engagement ring an ok deal?

it is a 3 stone 14 kt white gold ring with a total of 3/4 carat split evenly between the 3 round brilliant diamonds. sl1 clarity G-H color excellent symmetry, no fluorescence. It costs $1500. Is this an ok deal? My girlfriend wants a 3 stone ring with all of the diamonds about the same size is the reason I am not looking at one larger stone. Thanks for any and all help! I don't want to get a ring from ebay or a pawn shop.

Hey Salad Lovers, don't you know there are Opium in lettuce and Nicotine in Tomato?

first of all, "yall" the ones stupid for responding to the question like "dat". Didn't your parents teach you "if you aint got nothing nice to say dont say nothing at all" and yes i did use more than one negative and some more words that aint in the dictionary. I guess they didn't teach you "back up" in grade school huh?

Internet Savvy people, is my boyfriend around on the web?

Nope, that doesn't necessarily mean . Adultfriendfinder cookies, I believe, come also from websites that have the Adultfriendfinder advertisement banners (something along the lines of "Find Local Singles", etc). These are some of the most common types of advertisements on the internet, so I don't think you have to worry.

How does alliteration convey imagery?

It depends on the words used in the alliteration. For example, "serene sea" might convey imagery, as it makes the reader see a calm sea or lake, which is relaxing, but "lucky Lucy" doesn't have the same effect. Hope that helps!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

My Mac Won't let download YouTube videos!?

I used to be able to download just fine the usual way. (By opening Safari, going to Activity, and double clicking the MB) Now when i double click the MB/video, it opens up a new page just showing the video. And I still can't download a video!!! And I really need this working because I download music from foreign countries because I can't buy their music here.

How should i feel about this situation?

My "ex-bestfriend" and I (we were friends for about 3 years) just recently ( maybe 4 days ago) ended our friendship. This is for various reasons: She was always being bossy towards me, like trying to make me do things for her or always demanding of what i should do. Another reason, I felt she only wanted to hang out when convenient for her/she was always asking me to go places with her never just to hang out. Also, she stared becoming close with her ex boyfriends family again and his new girlfriend..weird right? But i think this is so she can get back with him..And he just came home yesterday, he screwed her over so bad but she is talking to him again! So since she started talking to them thats when i started getting pushed out of the picture and we started hanging out way less and became less close. The past month we got in continuous fights which eventuall led to us beign friends again. Well i get a text from her the other day saying she deleted my comment on facebook because she doesn't want me posting stuff on her facebook announcing we are bestfriends, or when we hang out because it's "child-ish" and she thinks our friendship is middle school.. All of a sudden she had a freaking switch on me because she would rather be bestfriends with her ex-boyfriends sister, who also effed her over various times. I was so good to her, treated her like a bestfriend should be treated! Her family and I were so close as well. I ignored her texts yesterday and today she Imed me online saying that she wants all her stuff back since we are not friends anymore but I did not respond since i was in the shower, so she IMs me again saying that i am a Bich for not responding and she is coming over soemtime this month whether i like it or not to get her stuff. Pretty much the girl has problems..but she doesn't realize any of the things she does. You could say she is psycho and posessive. But still it was my bestfriend, crazy thing is i still care about her even though she has put me threw hell and back. It's annoying that she seems to not care..maybe she will notice in a month that i'm not there and she is not gonna have someone as close as i was to her to turn to. Should i even care we are not friends? I mean it has only been a few days and i feel kindof relieved but at the same time I feel bad..What do you guys think? & Thanks!

Some times i know even the best of people HAVE TO WHITE LIE...?

especially when someone asks them a POINT BLANK PERSONAL QUESTION.....such as" When was the last time you had ??? (very intrusive...geez!)...or How much do you have in your savings account?...(that is highly personal)...Or did you have with him?"...(none of anyone's business)...BUT YOU HAVE TO BE NICE...what is your take on very personal questions??? Plus why would a normal guy ASK THOSE TYPES OF QUESTIONS.??? i feel it is rude...should i tell him or not??????..OTHER THAN BEING NOSY!!! (but that will be the LAST DATE WITH ME)...REALLY!!! SOMETIMES i am horrified!!!

Why are there Catholics that are against the idea of ity being natural (E.g. against gay marriage)?

I'm an ex-Protestant and ex-creationist but I still believe in Jesus and God. I'm slowly learning about evolution, and Catholicism has been on my mind lately, since Catholics accept evolution. But they also believe uality is wrong? How? There is implicit evidence for ity being brought about by genetics (Evolution), which is God-given, so why would uality be wrong, and why would God not want us to be happy in marriage? I still believe outside of gay marriage is wrong, as well as gay adultery though. I can see how that can lead to a sinful life, but gay marriage restriction seems irrational in Catholicism to me.

To all Colts and Saints fans?

I just hope that injuries or the refs are not a factor in the game. I also hope that it's a good game. I'm ready to be entertained. Not a Colts or Saints fan, so no anxiety here. Just like good football and hate to see guys get hurt and really hate to see refs muck up a good game. Just let them play, you bloody zebras!

Is CMA certification in BIG 4 firms,in the field of auditing,giving a boost in career and salary?

do the big 4 firms consider the CMA in the field of auditing career or they consider it as irrelevant and ignored,in Kuwait and gulf area especially?

A Question for Guiliani Supporters?

I agree with you. I'm a New Yorker (Bronx) but live in Pa now. I don't care who was mayor at the time of 911, New Yorkers are survivors and don't need a photo op loving cheerleader to deal with a crisis. He really likes to belittle people and pump himself up in the media.

Should the the US have unlimited access to attack countries/areas suspected of supporting terror?

The U.S. should not be able to attack any country without a declaration of war made by Congress. Either that, or we should just throw away our Constitution and urinate on the graves of our founders. I'm what some people might call "a fan of the Constitution" and I hate to see the way it is ignored by those who swear to defend it.

Fantasy Baseball: Rate My Team Please?

get rid of crisp, and nady u can find much better, check for cameron maybin rookie outfielder for the marlins , he's scouts have high expectations for him in 09 or package him/ and one of ur nasty closers and get a nasty OF

Strange cat paralysis?

the cat (moose) is about 9 months old and had 2 kittens about 2 weeks ago. Shes my friends cat, and they found her monday night outside in the garden squirming around and unable to meow. From her hips down she was paralyzed but after the episode she dragged herself off into the woods (presumably to die) but she came home that morning perfectly fine and fed the babies. She had another episode yesterday afternoon when a blue Jay attacked her. they called me over but by the time i got there she had dissappeared again. they plan on taking her to the vet so "take it to the vet" is not helpful here. any theories tho as ot whats going on? shes a terrific mouser..and likes to bring home birds. We thought shed been bit by a snake or got into arsenic but she recovered by morning so i dont think its somethign like that. when they told me about the blue jay i was thinking it could be seizures.... :/

Which is a better processor for a laptop?!?

The first one is the better core 2 duo because it runs at 2.4. And since its a dual core processor you multiply that by 2 since there are 2 cores runing at 2.4 ghz. Which is 4.8 total ghz.

Iam embroidery designer in india ineed embrodiery design jobwork where i can get anyboy help me?

i want embroidery designer job in india or other countries otherwise iwant to be work in mail via design punching (digitizing work ) where i an get this work or anybody consultancy company or outsourcing company please give me address or mail id

What is the ratio of how often space explorations come out with positive results to the amount of times we try?

A positive result is a matter of opinion. In my opinion, so far there hasn't been any positive result when you consider the billions of dollars spent looking "out there" when the money should have been spent resolving more worldly problems "down here". The knowlege gained in space exploration is far too costly. It hasn't helped mankind achieve anything except satisfy some of our curiosities.

What do you think of these baby names?

I like the names Carmen Renee, and Cayden Tucker, or Tucker Andrew if you want to go with the family Cayden Andrew. Both good strong names. My sons name is Aaron Wade, Aaron means high mountain wonderer. And his sons name is Ayden Wade. I like when they use the fathers middle name for a son.

Can someone please explain my birth chart to me in their own words. 10 points for best answer?

I will be back in a minute Ok here a site where you will get a good result ; all your chart would be explain ;;;www .astro-software .com / cgi-bin/ astro / natal . Try it and give a call ah / ah

Is anyone else fed up with this pink stuff on all the players?

I have to admit, that I agree with Colonel Reb and you! There are so many types of cancer, so why focus on just one specific one! I don't think it should be the only one supported and talked about and broadcasted!

Can you use rub on wax as hot wax?

I have a stick of Dakine rub on snowboard wax, and I don't have any hot wax. Can I use this instead?

What color to paint my room?(teen)?

Get some paint color chips in lavenders and greens and match the two colors that are in the blanket. Paint the wall behind the bed one color and the other three walls the other color.

Riley's First Ride was Today!!!?

yeah, so um. this is totally MY horse that you stole. i hope that she runs over your face with her fatness. and then she eats your feet off.

What dialect of Arabic is closest to Iraqi Arabic?

I agree with you the closest dialect to the Iraqi one is that in the Gulf area especially the Kuwaiti.I also find it very difficult to understand the Moroccan,Algerian and to some extent Tunisian,to me the Iraqi accent is a mix of Gulf and a bit here and a bit there from accents spoken in the Sham area ,,Syria,Jordan,Lebanon

How touch "me not plant" become wilt after touch what is ites sciencetific mechanism?

Mimosa Pudica has tiny water sacs full and stiffening the leaf stems. When touched, an electrical signal causes these sacs to empty and the leaf wilts.

I dropped my laptop and what is wrong with it?

Your description isn't sufficient for a proper diagnosis but most likely faults are damaged/disconnected HD, disconnected RAM, damaged charging circuit or other damaged componets due to impact with the floor.

Signed Baseball Jersey?

I have a Roy Halladay jersey and am going to a Toronto Bluejays-Oakland Athletics game. I am going to Batting Practice earlier to hopefully get my jersey signed, and was wondering what kind of marker i could get to have my black jersey signed, and where I can get this kind of marker? Thanks a lot

Why did Sarah Palin compare herself to Shakespeare and Bush?

Shakespeare did make up some new words, but he did that knowing the difference between his own inventions, and words already in the English language. Palin makes up new words thinking they're already words in use. She's mistaken. Shakespeare was brilliant. Palin is ignorant.

Why doesn't Canada build nuclear weapons already?!?

Once America runs out of their resources or their economy collapses, or some other tragedy happens, who's to stop them from invading Canada and stealing our resources (fresh water, oil, etc.)? Who or what can deter them? Nuclear weapons, and Canada needs them. We have the capability to build them and to drop them on their major cities if they declare war, so why don't we? Only a fool would believe that the U.S will be honorable if it needs something Canada has.

In the Face of Danger book?

This book is by joan lowery nixon. This may seem like a weird question, but since i don't have the book, what happens in chapter 12? I need to have a quick summary on what main details happen in the chapter. If you own and have read the book, this is urgent and I would really like your help. Not to sound pushy, but I need answers by tomorrow! Thanks!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Where are good places for 3 young australians to travel overseas in europe/north america?

gday we're a coupla young aussie sheilas. we'll be heading off in 2010 on our good old flying kangaroos. we're off to the big smoke but by jingoes,we're just not 100% sure where we're going to go yet. we'll be gone for a year. any answers will be appreciated, and taken into consideration.cheers mate

Does Anyone No When Darren From Eastenders Will Be Reappearing On Our Screens ??

hope hes not fallen foul of the chop as 3 more are going Kevin,deano and carly are going shortly according to inside soap.

Application of the concept of Radioactive decay to telephone calls.?

2. The population of radioactive nuclei in a sample is not the only quantity that decays exponentially. The probability that a telephone call will last an amount of time t decays exponentially as t increases. Why? What is the exponentially decaying population in this situation? What event in the telephone situation corresponds to the decay of a nucleus in the radioactivity situation?

Who else thinks it was a cheap shot by republicans have a woman as vice president?

Yes, she's a woman. Who freakin' cares? She happens to also be the only candidate in a good while who has both a firm truly conservative political base and a good shot at actually being elected. She's smart, she's a good speaker, and she knows what she's doing. Is the GOP supposed to model its choices after what democrats do? So what if the dems didn't pick a woman? That doesn't mean the republicans have to do the same.

We have an enclosed woodburning fireplace. Does anyone know if you can change to propane using the same stove?

We just moved in a house that has a woodburning fireplace insert. Although we love it, that room gets used by my 88 year old mother and she cannot maintain the fire. We were wondering if we could save money and change to propane heat without changing the insert.

Do i need a visa if i am flying through dubai?

H is right, you dont need a visa if you just have a flight lay over. You gotta stay within the transit lounge.

I have a dell axim x51 with outlook 2002 how can i upgrade?

how can i upgrade my outlook 2002 to at least 2003 as i need it upgraded to run a program at least tell me where to go look my laptop has vista my dell axim pda hasmobile 5.0 outlook 2002

Have any presidents completely been Impeached?

I think you mean "removed". "Impeached" just means that the public official is being put on trial, They can be impeached and found innocent. "Removed" means that they are found guilty of a serious offense before they resign, and the adjudicating body removes them from office. To my knowledge, no American president has been Removed.

What is this tv advert?

what's the tv advert where the girl arrives at a fab house, she sees her boyfriend with another woman, she then takes off her ring puts it in his drink and then gets a drink poured over her dress, but all she does is take off her dress to reveal the same one underneath.....many thanks as want to get the music to it....

Do you think Its possible to befriend him again?

give it a shot again. but remember dont show to be too desperate. :) just be sincere and friendly. take it easy.

How much is a tune-up, transmission fluid flush and brake fluid flush for a '04 Mazda Tribute (4WD, V6)?

I have always trusted the place I went in the past but I am a woman and do not know much about cars, therefore have gotten taken advantage of by others and am now wary of mechanic shops. Is $500 for a tune-up with all the fixings reasonable? How about $200 for a transmission fluid flush and $90 for a brake fluid flush? Thank you!

What do you think about these shoes.?

you should go to a custom running shop. they will fit a shoe perfect for you. It may cost a little more, but it is worth it. I had never heard of brookes, but i went to a specialty running shop 3 years ago, and i have been running hard as a top 10 running for my XC team since without any injuries.

Why do many people think that government bureaucrats can pay taxes?

Interesting question. I can only speak for India. Here bureaucracy seems to be of themselves, by themselves and for themselves. The country is drifting in the sea of humanity, without helm or rudder; nobody cares or bothers. High sounding platitudes is only they are interested in. They are decided to be undecided; resolved to be irresolute; adamant for drift; solid for fluidity; and all powerful to be impotent.

What can cause someone to think your breath smells like alcohol when you haven't been drinking?

What factors imitate the smell of ethanol? Ketosis, I think, and diabetes, but what other conditions or medications could give this impression?

What is the best game for xbox360?

no M games exept halo and u can put the old xbox games if they play on it and if their good [if a game is only good on xbox live dont tell me that because i dont have live]i already have lego indiana jones,kung foo panda,the bigs,lost planet,nfl 08,halo 2[i no its for the old xbox]and thats pretty much all my games

How should I arrange recessed lighting?

I have a customer that wants recessed lighting installed in a 18'x23' room, and I'm having a difficult time arranging a layout. Do you know of any resources available to help me design a good layout?

How do you stay motivated to skate board?

Ok, first off you need to skate a lot more, practice everyday. And when you get mad when your skating, just stop. And then skate after your cooled. Most of the time, i land tricks when not even really trying. Like kickflips, i was just kickfliping trying to get it down. And then i just landed one. So yeah practice a lot more.

Can someone sum up Christopher Columbus's expedition in a few sentences?

Columbus mistakenly stumbled upon a series of islands that he thought were in Asia, but were actually near North America. He encountered the indigenous peoples of these islands, inquired about the existence of gold and silver in the area, and upon discovering that at least some gold was available, used his superior military technology and brutal coercion tactics to force the native people to mine so that he would have riches to take back to Spain. While he was here he and his crew brutalized the population and spread diseases that wiped out most of them within a few generations.

Laptop to laptop?

set ur router as a network conncetion and make sure all ur computers have sharing enabled. that u should be able to move files from one computer to another

Why don't Christians believe in Evolution although its a proven fact?

Evolution has more credibility than religion. Religious leaders know that their scam won't hold up to scrutiny, so they teach that, those who doubt them are wrong, evil, and should be ignored.

Why does the U.S. favor Communist China for years?

And has never had the same devotion to trade with Latin America in such a way. Why not help make our part of the hemisphere stable, and successful, before we worry about potential enemies and allies, else where.

Willis McGahee, Ryan Grant, Darren McFadden?

Should I drop Darren Mcfadden for willis mcgahee or ryan grant? McFadden is my fourth back behind earnest graham, marshawn lynch and steve slaton.

Girls: taking back ex boyfriend? Would you?

Seriously, I was that girl and I liked the chase the guy was giving me because its was showing me he cared and I liked the attention he was giving me. I felt I was important in his life when I thought he didn't care. I also felt he would be there whenever I wanted, so I let him be the one too want me back and realize his mistake. Its kind of like an ego boost in a way. Honestly if a guy throws himself at me I lose interest because I know I got them and there is no challenge. Go for coffee and just talk but DON'T throw yourself at her. Just go and tell her you still have feelings for her but the ball is in her court and tell her to think about it. But tell her, that she knows your feelings and you will give her some space. She will come back Most likely. But at the same time, I know you care about her, but don't close yourself off to other people either. Good luck!!! :):)

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Do I need help? Please give me some advice..?

Many of you, none like my parents and a few others, may think that I'm in a way.. "immature" to be tortured and bothered like this, but I am. It's been nearly four months since my girlfriend broke up with me. I took it seriously hard.. This wasn't some middle-high school "liking" one another. This is what my parents called "love" and I know so.. Because none like any other dates and such that I've been in, I can't shake this off. I've talked to a lot of people and they call say the same. They all say that I'll get over it. It's been four months and they are starting to say that I should have been over it long ago, but I haven't. My grades are going down from As and Bs to Ds and Fs. I don't see the point in trying anymore. I don't see the point in raising my grades and I don't see the point in living. I'm ashamed of how my life has turned out. I'm ashamed of how horrible things have gotten because of a mistake my ex-girlfriend and I've made. Now I'm miserable than I've ever thought possible. I can't stand it any longer.. Today, I sat where she and I saw our first sunset. I found a pebble and started to scratch myself on the arm. It just left a white mark behind. Then later, I don't know how to explain this, but I think I've gone insane and I felt no pain.. I started to cut myself five times or more. It doesn't hurt now and it didn't hurt before. It's barely bleeding too but.. I don't know. I don't know anything anymore. Please give me some advice.. I'm too ashamed to tell my parents anything. They have been through enough.. They think I'm over her and I'm not... I don't know what to do....

Ladies: What's your daily routine for school?

I get up at 7 and eat porridge then wash my face brush my teeth run over my hair with straightners and put some mascarra and powder on my nose then my clothes and leave the house , but I used to so something similar to yours except I was getting lack of sleep so I shower in the night

Whats up with my period ?

ok i'm not sure if it's late or not. I'm a freshman in college, i just had midterms and didn't do so well. I dont eat as much as i should all the time, i dont sleep through the nights allways. I'm wondering if all this would make it late? I also have irregular periods.

What does the joke "what is the difference between a road accident involving a hedgehog and a Frenchman?" mean?

I heard this joke: "What is the difference between a road accident involving a hedgehog and a Frenchman? There are skid marks before the hedgehog." but I don't get it. Can somebody expain it?

Football Survey..............?

1 ] brian clough 2 ] he was unrivalled 3 ] notts forest 4 ] 1 5] yes 6 ] celtic 7 ] always 8 ] depends if she is in iceland

What do you like to start collecting something but i dont know what?

I like art...leonardo...pottery..and trinket boxes....what is a good collection idea for ppl who also like history and egyptology...and i like anything to do with there anything i can subscribe to to collect?

Who or what is responsible for the Democrats possibly losing the House as well as the Presidency?

they always peak to early. the more people see obama and biden without a written speech the more turned off they are going to be. If they keep beating up on palin or don't stop the media from doing so people will flock to her side. when she was first announced they threw everything but lipstick at her, then they tried that too. Some was true some was false but since it looked like an all out ault on a woman and a woman's judgement even the true stuff wont stick

Can you sue someone for slander or libel if they continually compare gay people to pedophiles?

I"m gay and I"m pretty sick of my ual orientation being compared to pedophiles. Can I sue for slander or libel if this happens? Straight people are as close to being a pedophile as gay people are.

What is your favorite painting?

I like this one a href="!1880_Pierre_Auguste_Cot_-_The_Storm.jpg" rel="nofollow"…/a

Unlock codes for blackberry?

i got a blackberry but im moving to colombia and i need the colombian unlock code for colombia or the universal one

What's a way to deter cats from scaratching on the furniture?

my cat likes to scratch the sides of my couch and chair. is there anything i could do that would make her stop?

Im 16 in GA and want to marry my boyfriend (more info)?

ok. so i posted somethin a few minutes ago and ill go more into detail. the only reason we want to get married is because he is moving out of the country for a while. im at HIS house not his parents. ive been with him since i was 13 and ive dated plent of people to know hes the one. getting pregnant is a selfish thing to do but if it would keep us together than i would do it. we have almost 6 grand saved up for a kid and we both have wonderful jobs with great benifits and pay. im already graduating this spring and plan to take online cles to become a RN or an LPN. so yes we have thought about this an yes getting preg. is a way to get married because you are emancipated. so weve thought about this in detail. if i wait till im 18 ill be wasting 2 years of my life waiting and so will he. my parents dont understand that. we love each other an know that it will be hard if we have a kid but our jobs are wonderful and if we were to move we can transfer with the same positions at the same companys so again weve thought about it and we cant afford really to wait any longer. i just need to know if theres anyway yes or no if we could get married without parental consent.

Jesus "el chuco" ramirez new coach of america?

Its comfirmed that "el chuco" ramires is the new coach of america. Finally we have a mexican coach. I think this will help america a lot. He can also work with fuersas basicas and give up and coming ameria players a chance to play in the primera division. I wish all the luck to jesus ramires.

Is there any website where we can watch tv adds ?

I wanna see an add but that add is not coming on tv so can I that one on net...........???? pls hlp....

Harry Potter: Did you feel that Ron/Hermonie and Harry's magic?

skills "magically" accelerated to do such battle in the final book? I felt that things were hurried, jumbled, and even for HP a little too "out there" at times with some of the explanations. I love the series, don't get me wrong, but I felt that Book 7 for all of the hype and build up was really a let down in some ways. I think it could have been shorter with the parts in the forest and more time for the trio to hone their magic. I felt that Ron was totally underdeveloped, we were not told anything about the Elder Wand in any other book and then it is is sooo important (we did not know it was buried w/Dumbledore), and then the whole Deathly Hallows triage... out of nowhere.... it just seemed a little pulled together.and some of the explanations just did not fit nicely... Is it just me or did you see that too?

Is it possible to rebuild trust with your significant other after a betrayal?

when someone u trusted completely betrays u and doesn't try to mend things or let u know he knows what he did hurt u, it can't ever be right. u can't let him destroy who u were and still are. when someone does this to u its time to take back your power and get rid of him. if someone tells u they don;t love u anymore that's enough right there to end it and move on. problems can be resolved but he doesn't seem willing to communicate.

Best martial art for winning fights?

well with your body type i would say MMA fits you the best, my preferance for a martial art is TaeKwonDo (everyone has there own opinion), but the reason i say TaeKwondo is because TKD is like the ultimate workout, it works out just about every muscle(like swimming), but it requires lots of flexibility.

A HDTV Question (will it work)?

It should work, but you'll need a seperate cord for audio if you want sound on your tv because dvi doesn't send audio signals.

Why are asians so good looking?

Us asians are just so y ! Like them guys off of asain dramas, mike he, lee min ho, kim bum. the girls are pretty too, hyori lee, utada hikaru, ariel lin, rainie yang, and a whole bunch others.

Since gta iv launched.....?

well, in the cover, there's a girl named lola rite. I she even in the game, does she play a big part, hu is she??? Pls answer if ur sure of the answer ppl.....

Civil lawsuit for ault?

She can sue for any reason but she will have to prove negligence, intent, injuries and damages. The reason that the parents could be involved is if they own the house where the incident took place and if they should have had control of the situation where minors were drinking. The homeowners insurance policy or renters policy should be handling your defense.

I need to put 24 photos on a 20x16 paper.?

The mat is 1 1/8 inch off the edges all around and there needs to be 1/4 inch in between each photo. This doesnt include the outer edge of the outer photos. There are 6 photos horizontally and 4 photos verticaly.(4 rows of 6) Please help me out this has been a real brain teaser.

If your friend called Jesus Christ a mascot, would you be offended?

Awhile back, my friend called Jesus Christ a mascot by saying " Jesus Christ and other mascots...". I'm extremely offended by it, being a Catholic, and my friend thinks it's not offensive, and I'm the only one. If you're not offended at all by this, answer me this: would anyone who is Christian or Catholic find this offensive? Thank in advance, and I WILL report any answers that are just to get the two points for answering.

Doctors, after examining a person with colon cancer, decide to surgically remove the cancerous region...?

doctors, after examining a person with colon cancer, decide to surgically removethe cancerous region of the persons large intestine. suggest what dietary adjustments that person might have to make afterward inorder to live a healthy life.

Law suite against pediatrician? can it happen?

my daughter has barely been able to breath for a long time shes 7 months old. she has had 3 ear infections, and currently has a staph infection. I have taken her to the doctor repeatedly over the staph not getting better but spreading and she couching sneezing runny nose terribly congested and weak state she has been in for a month or more. He just told me it was a cold and that they cant give her anything. and no matter how much i asked we wouldn't run any tests. I took her to another pediatrician today and right away he did the works. She had Bronchitis and the staph isn't being killed by the antibiotics. Can i suite the doctor that wouldn't run the tests? I don't want money but all this is if i had kept believing him could have seriously hurt my daughter. I changed doctors but what else can i do? What are my daughters rights?

Mavericks Parade Help?!?!?

Will we actually get to see the players like on the floats and stuff while they travel through town? And lets say you stand at like the beginning of where the parade starts, can you leave once the players and floats and stuff p you or is there going to be something special happening at the AA Center where it ends?

I need help finding a fictional book series i read as a kid. It was called Netherworld or something?

It was either netherworld, or neverworld, or something i cant remember. Ive searched for it but i cant seem to find them. It was something world, anyway each book cover had the same gold symbol around the eyes of watever was on the front of the book. It was about the kids who go to this different world where theres gods, and aztecs, and knights and stuff. Then whenever they fall asleep their back in the real world. Anyone have a clue as to wat im talking about?

Muslims, you claim the Holy Bible is corrupt and it is changed by men, How can you say it talks about Mohammad

What they fail to understand is that these men were inspired by God Almighty. He wrote the Bible through these men. Men like Moses, and all the others were men chosen by God Himself to record what He wanted to p on to the rest of the world. This misunderstanding is how Islam evolved. Some regular guy like Mohammad decided to make himself a lessor god and told the world that Allah told him these things himself. Allah is not a god and even though this is the eastern translation for god, God Himself is the only real God and He didn't up and decide to allow anyone to call Him Allah. Jesus is our Messiah and what He did is recorded in the New Testament and is a guide for all how to live your life. He gave us His Holy Spirit to stay with us and give us guidance for as long as we are here on earth. He is the only path to Heaven. Understand this and your lives will change forever. Change for the good of all mankind and yourself. God Bless.

How do i get around the school blockers?

Ok my school just blocks everything, like even google images and even homework pages and even THEIR OWN SCHOOL WEBSITE. PROXYS DON'T work so don't send me any proxys, but i have just discovered a way to install programs onto the computers and to look all through their drives etc, (i have RM TUTOR PLOX, so i can control every school computer and no joke i found an admin watching a movie and turned it off. Also by mistake i turned off ever monitor in the school!) and i can install other programs like quake, doom, and fire-fox. but now I'm so annoyed because i cant get onto any websites at all even for work so can someone enlighten me onto how to make tunneling proxys or some way to get around their blocker. + please don't send me messages like you probably will get caught because i'm not going to go on websites like my-space - although i may go on youtube :). Also another question is that someone has stolen my mem-stick in school and id like to track them down - is their anyway with programs_ as i have full access to the full network i can track them down because it has some important work on it plus alot of my hacks

Why should we try the supposed terrorists?

The crime was committed INSIDE the United States so the US has jurisdiction. They confessed they did it -- and not under torture. In fact, they welcome the trial so they can tell us all about how and why they did it. I want to hear 'em.

Chem help? determine the molecular formula of the compound?

A particular compound has a composition of 69.42% C, 4.16% H, and 26.42% O. It has a molar m of 242 g/mol. Determine the molecular formula of the compound. Be sure to show ALL steps and underline your final answer.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Where can I watch the 90210 Premiere?

You can catch the full episode here: a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Germinating Seeds In Water?

Would fruit seeds germinate if i placed them in a bottle of distilled water and exposed them to sunlight for a period of time? If so, which ones? If not, what are some easy ways to germinate them along with what are some easy seeds to germinate? Thanks!

Quick question 12dpo?...?

Hey ladies i have a quick question and im 12 dpo. Now i heard that after ovulation if you bbt drops that means af is coming soon. Well yesterday i checked and it was 98.19. My question is this morning i checked it and it was like 98.33. The problem is i forgot that i sat up to turn off my alarm then went back to sleep and checked it when i woke back up. I didnt get outta bed or anything but what do you guys think do you think that tainted my temp today???

Woe you Woe earth n sea coz the devil sends beast with wrath..Why does bible have satanic verse??

Well, first of all, it is not the devil that hurls anything down. If you read Revelation 12:12 it is the devil himself, along with his angels that are hurled down. What is written is the outcome of a war in heaven between Michael and his angelic forces and Satan and his demons. Satan lost. How is that satanic verse?

Freeware ipod to Computer transfer?

I can't find anything that's freeware. Does anyone know a program I can use that I don't have to waste money on?

Please Urgently Help!!! tell me why Sunday is considered the Sabbath day and not Saturday..I just attended...?

The reason 7th Day Adventists choose Saturday is because technically if the Jews were the chosen people and God told them to regard the Sabbath as a holy day and they observe the Sabbath on Saturday, then they too should say Saturday. I don't know why Christians picked Sunday unless it was to differentiate from the Jews in some manner.

PLEASE EXPLAIN, Why is AMerica so willing to vote so far to the LEFT this election? HONEST OPINIONS!?

They think because our President was Republican that that has caused all this - they FORGET we have had a democratic congress that has run us in the ground and we will have 4 more years of that!

Painfull when i walk?

I'm 36 weeks pregnant. I went into town today and was in absolute agony when i walked. It also hurts when i sit in certain positions. Does anyone have any ideas as to what it could be. I was told at 34weeks the babies head was in my pelvis and he was measuring 37weeks but i just took that as a miss measurement because he's been bang on average all the other times.

What do you think of these names . . .?

So strange. Nico definitely doesn't go with Isaiah and Tristan. Tristan and Isaiah really don't go together at all. Ashton goes with Tristan, but not with Isaiah. I think your name choices are all over the map. Therefore, you can pretty much use whatever name you want. They're so different from each other, if you started to ty to match one name to another right now, either Isaiah or Tristan will be left out in the cold.

Don't you agree that as soon as senator Obama becomes president, we would be earning a lot more money, there?

I didn't think people like you really existed. The next eight years will be a great disappointment to you.

Has anyone ever prebooked eiffel tower tickets and where to park in paris?

Don't bother trying to find a parking space, as an average it takes 20 mn to find one. Go to an underground paying parking, more room and price is nearly the same as the street parking spaces, there's no free parking in Paris anymore. Besides, that way you won't have to by a parking card as there's no money parkmeters anymore either.

How do i prevent leg cramps?

I am a biker and i have bananas, stretch and drink Gatorade, but i still get the cramps. Is there anything else i can do?

Do you like diminutive names ending in the long E sound ("-y", "-i", "-ie", "-ee")?

I think they are perfectly suitable as nicknames that the child can use or not use, or outgrow as adults. I would be really upset if my parents had named me "Katie" instead of "Katherine" however - I have never liked Katie or Kathy as nicknames for me BECAUSE they are diminutive. Some girls like that, some girls don't.

Oh god what do i do in this situation?

now im not the big cl clown or the popular jock. im just a normal junior in high school, i haven't even had my first girlfriend yet. but over vacation, 5 different girls i know asked me to the sadies dance or whatever dance its called (they all asked over facebook and texting). no im not making this up, and i really dont want to hurt anyone's feelings, but i cant make up my mind on who to say yes to.

Can minor allergies make you nauseous?

I started getting very mild allergies in the spring a few years ago, and they just started again this week. I haven't been congested or anything, no draining, just a few sneezes here and there and a bit of a cough on and off. But I'm very nauseous and it's really annoying! Could that be caused by allergies?

Could someone help me with a marginal ysis problem?

uming I am understanding the question correctly, you should employ the use of MC=MB. That is marginal cost = marginal benefit. For your example, since each cl costs $20, Lau would take 1 cl at a net benefit of $3. Geo would take 2 cles at a net benefit of $10.

What are the values of people who defend perverts in the Obama Administration.?

Liberals are not obsessed with , but with promiscuity. Promiscuity is the dominate theme of the liberal media culture. The basis of their psychology is the elimination of moral responsibility. Abortion is necessary to guarantee genital freedom and eliminate moral consequence. Liberals seek to control public schools, and force all children into them, in order to foster promiscuity and collectivist ideology in children.

Generally, are Asians more intelligent than Caucasians?

If you were the best-selling author Malcolm Gladwell, (Outliers), you'd already know the answer to this question. What makes Asians appear more intelligent is a culture that inculcates hard work and perseverance from childhood. Thus, their students study so hard that even if they are not as intelligent as the person sitting next to them, they still get better grades. That being said, there is obviously some genetic component to IQ, as firstborns tend to have a higher one than successive births. I cannot put much stock in racial divides, since the tests used to back that up were usually culturally biased.

Why a new batman/joker movie?

Since there is already a series of Batman movies, and already one about the Joker, why with the advent of the Batman prequel Batman Begins are they starting the "series" over again as the Dark Knight?

The Universe was entirely empty before the "Big Bang" right?

If the universe was entirely empty space except for a small m of matter that created the universe by spontaneously exploding and steadily expanding throughout empty space… What caused that small m of matter to explode?

Friday, August 12, 2011

Why does it seem no Americans are able to comprehend this?

Iraq war 1990. Saddam lights oil wells on fire. Kuwait and Saudi up production to compensate. 2002, India and China becoming net importers of oil. Oil production maxed. In the event of a loss of oil control today, oil production cannot be dubbled in other countries to compensate. This means global recession in all countries. It means gas at the pump goes up to $20 a liter. It means no one can get to work anywhere if they depend on a vehicle. It means gas staions go bankrupt. It means shippers, airlines, insurance companies, refineries and the KY jelly corporation are on the street and everyone is looting. Does that sound better, or does being proactive and stemming the problem before it starts sound better? And why don't people understand this?

Who's fault is it why the Heat are less respected now?

Is it the addition of LeBron and CB4? Or is it the media for talking about them 24/7 and practically handing them a championship. Other than die hard Miami fans and people who ride the bandwagon, there is very little who like the Heat. Also, do you think this trio will ever get it figured out and claim the title they long for?

Is this bad....I like girly songs????

I like about 4 really girly "Come Clean" by Hillary Duff and Michelle Branch....what does this mean? lol

What is the religion of Rahul Gandhi?

What is this family upto??? First the Mughals gave some land to the Kauls near a Nehar( a c) so they adopt the name of Nehru !! Please notice that there are no other 'Nehru' family in Kashmir or even in India!! Then Indira Nehru has a Nikkah with a Parsi Feroze Khan in London and she becomes Indira 'Gandhi' !!!! So there kids natuarlly become Parsis. Then Rajiv 'Gandhi' marries a Christian . So there Kids r Parsi or Christian depending on their raising. Then Sonia ' Gandhi' marries her daughter Priyanka off with a Christian Robert Wadhera. That means Priyanka Wadhera and her kids are definitely Christians , So Rahul ' Gandhi' must also be a Chirstian. At the same time this family behaves in public as if they are true Hindus !! From Kauls they became nehru , and then from nehru they became gandhi out of nowhere. From Hindus they became Parsi and then Christian !! What would this family not do to remain in power..?? And yet nobody seems to notice??

Do these outfits match?!?

i would agree that it suits for a night out but you got to be more confident and bold .......thats what gonna make a gal look outstanding when going out...........enjoy

What is your favorite television show?

My favorites are Moonlighting ( from the 80s with Bruce Willis and Cybil Shepard) and The Golden Girls.

Weird tooth pain/inflamed gum around only one tooth?

You could have cut it on something hard such as, hard foods you may have been eating recently (chips or crackers maybe even pizza crust) if it is cut the swelling and or bruising or inflammation should go down if not you should try to make an appointment with a periodontist to make sure it is not any gum disease.

Im in the navy dep but i dont want to go my recruit said he will screw my record for letting him down can he?

he siad i had to show up to sign some papers but im whith my family right know in another country i told him i would sign them when i got back but he wants me their kmow if not he is goin to screw me over what should i do

Dying my hairr blondee from brown??..?

You can have your hair stripped of the color at a salon, and then color it with a dirty blonde hair dye. This can be done over the course of a few weeks. Too many chemicals in your hair can cause irreversable damage. If you want to lighten your eyebrows, you can use a bit of the hair dye to lighten it but use caution.

Attention Getter Help!!?

i would get a powerful quote from the movie or the bible and then explain it in the first paragraph and that will slowly ease into your thesis and your next paragraph

How do I replace the ariel mast on my Volvo S70?

Motor runs but ariel is stuck in mid position. If I get a replacement mast how do I remove the old one and fit the new?

Eeep! I need a costume I can easily put together. Teen girl!?

Ok i would go with lady bug or a bee something cute and styleish you could do anything a fairy infact these a cool fairy sotume i got and the skirt lights up so cool and there tons of fun ideas go to this website or get something at mall (that is less slutty then average) and try to avoid the sign adult costumes lol go to this website to seach 4 a awesome cool costume:::: a href="" rel="nofollow"

I'm a member of a motorcycle club & hosting the meeting this month. What would be good to feed 20 bikers?

a huge pot of home made chili and corn bread works. Or have them all bring an item and have a buffet.

When non-Latino people immigrate from South America why do they drop the Latino label?

I sort of did that. I was born in Brazil, then moved to the Bahamas. For a while I dropped the latina, but then when I was in college I was surrounded by so many latins and I felt the need to embrace it. That was my reason, but I'm in the states now so I'm just latina and black.

Is 30mb per month enough data plan?

No way! You'll use that up so fast! I barely use my data but I've already used like 115mb of my 200mb plan. It's been like a week. So to be safe, I would raise the plan.

C Shell vs Korn Shell command differences?

I am doing this simple script using c shell and korn shell. The commands I use are fgrep , ls, and also some redirecting. Is there any difference in using both of these commands in c shell and korn shell? Thanks and sorry for the stupid question.

How can I do to recall the memories of ual abuse?

I know it might be painful to recall some memories like this, but still, I wanna know exactly when happened when I was young. Sometimes, I can remember something, especially when I'm really tired, but then it gives me a big headache and I feel so scared and I shiver all over. I know something bad did happen what I was young, I just couldn't recall all the details. I don't wanna be hypnotized, is there something I can do to recovery all the memories?

Can you please give a reaction to this article? Please?

its a sad day when doctors make major medical mistakes and kill innocent people who are sick and need treatments. i think the same thing happen to my mom she died recently before x-mas and died of a doctors overdose omedicinene

Rate my pokemon platnium team?

brillant but replace garchomps draco meteor witha different move and roserades energy ball with sludge bomb

I need the steps for transfering common stock of an s cl corp from one person to another?

You should check the laws of your state to see if you need to file anything official with your state's Department of Revenue, Secretary of State, or Attorney General regarding the cancelling of the old stock certificate and the issuance of the new one. And, depending on how the stock is transferred, there might be an entry to the company. If the Corporation buys back the original 25% ownership from one of the 4 then there would be an entry for that, and also an entry for the sale to the new owner. But if the owners sells his 25% to the other person without involving the company then there is no entry needed by the Corporation, as the sale would have happened outside of the company. If you like, feel free to contact me if you have any further questions.

Is a 2006 Triumph triple speed a good first Motorcycle?

hello im 18 and i plan on buying a bike in about a year year in a half. i'v never rode a MC but alot of my family rides so i kinda grew up around them and i'v always wanted one so im gonna buy one. And a bike i'v wanted for about year now is a 06 triple speed i think it's a really tuff bike. So just tell me what you think, What are your thoughts and tell me your comments i'll really appreciate it

What are some fun, realistic, multiplayer shooting games for Ps3 that are 30$ or less?

For example, I love Call of Duty. and i dont know if i should get Warhawk or Haze or what, but I really want a game that my friends and I can all enjoy, cause my Call of Duty 5 disc broke.

The irony of SNL's Tiger Woods domestic violence skit?

SO according to SNL It's ok for Tiger Woods to get hit over the head with a golf club by his wife, but not ok for Rihanna to get beat up by Chris Brown? Rihanna was the musical guest by the way. SNL = FAIL.

Is it okay to drink thawed, previously frozen soy milk?

Yes it's okay. Might taste a little grainy due to being frozen but since your car refrigerated it, it's perfectly safe. ;)

Thursday, August 11, 2011

I took the PSAT in October and just got my scores back???

I am a sopre in high school and just got my PSAT scores back. I was in the 95th percentile compared to Juniors. Is this good? Do colleges focus more on your percentile or actual scores? What colleges look for this kind of a score?

DVD to iPod MP4?!??!?!?

I need a truly free software for conversion of dvd-roms to my ipod. I really need one htat is freeware because otherwise when i do a trial or demo one, it comes out with a huge watermark, so please :]

Hey i REALLY need help in something by tomorrow for chemistry !! =(?

Until you explain the lab procedure, there's no way for us to answer. Determining the variables is completely dependent on the role they play in the lab.

I'm up in arms, need some advice! Dental istants?

Contact the school to get financial aid information, they should be able to guide you. First though, you may want to check if you even need to go to school for it. Where I am (Texas), I learned everything on hand, they trained me in the office. Some dentists prefer that because then they can show you their way and a lot of the technical stuff isn't necessary. Check the want ads for dental istants and apply or just call around and ask if their istants require a degree/certificate. You will most likely need to be registered, which consists of three different test areas and if you went to school, these would be included. If you choose not to go to school, you may be responsible for the material on your own, it really depends on your state requirements and the dentist you work for. My boss always paid for any certification we needed along the way. Also if you decide to go to school, you may be forced to get an evening job instead to allow you to study during the day. Dental isting is not hard, it is however; repetitive. I switched from general dentistry to orthodontics after 5 years, it gave me more responsibilities and the pay was better. You meet a lot of different people and it can be rewarding at times. Don't ever feel like a failure. It's never too late to go back to school and don't let anyone tell you that you can't do something!

Art, Craft, and Technology; the conceptual question?

I have an interest in the relationship between art and technology, especially within the "craft" mediums. Although there has been much debate over the questions of tradition vs innovation, mostly in terms of material and process, what I don't see being pinned-down is the conceptual implications of technology really being considered in a comparable light to the traditional relationships concept and art-craft have explored. It seams that technologies such as CAD, rapid prototyping, and alt materials have become all the rage, but why? What beyond the superior production capabilities, wonderment, and ease is the reason tech is being so embraced? Believe me, I am not an ardent traditionalist, I want to believe in the power of technology to be a significant consideration in placing art in context with contemporary society, but I just can't quite put my finger on the reason behind the reasons we are embracing it so extensively. There has to be sophisticated implication, what are yur thoughts?

Trouble with my mother?

My mother is a counseler to teenagers. She works with families who abuse drugs and alchohol, and she helps take care of the children and teens so they can stay in the home. Recently, i fell in love with my best friend. (making us gay) We'd been together for four months before she found out. She flew off the handle, she took away a lot of my fredom. Today she said that i can not have anyone in my room anymore, girls or guys, and that there is no pda allowed or cuddling in her house. I can't visit my girlfriend at her house because she doesn't trust her mom. (Her mom is a very friendly trustworthy person) My girlfriend and i are waiting until marriage for also. What can i do to convince my mom that i am trustworthy and get my respect back?

A ? for the ladies!?

this is a ? about my period for years my period has been like 2 days earlier than it was the month before now its getting to were its 4 to 7 days earlier, could this been a sign i,m fixing to go thur early menopause? i,m in my early 30,s

What do you think of this weight.....okay.. or too much.....?

You will gain weight with pregnancy. That is a guarantee. Your husband should be happy that you are having a baby rather than focusing on your weight. Your doctor or midwife will tell you the appropriate amount of weight gain for you and if your weight becomes a concern he/she will let you know and help you control your weight with a proper pregnancy diet. NEVER go on a diet during pregnancy without consulting your doctor.

Trying to get my first Kiss.....?

I have to say, very good plan man. But its risky, rushing things, especially when a girl is stuck between two guys. But, she does not go to your school, so if you screw up she cant embarr you. I say go for it, follow your heart, And if u have any other questions email me at k

Why do I feel nauseated all the time?

It's usually right after I eat. I never vomit, I just feel really queasy, sort of a similar feeling to car sickness or motion sickness. Maybe 4 months ago, I had heartburn ALL THE TIME it seemed. I started taking OTC heartburn stuff on occasion; I don't get heartburn anymore, but now I always feel nauseated. It doesn't matter what I eat; I can eat heavy food or light food and I feel the same. I just just as sick after having a cheeseburger as I do after a salad with no dressing or a cup of fresh fruit. Help! -- Some background info on me: I am a 24 yr old female; I am on Ortho Tri Cyclen (have been for almost a year); I am very overweight but I have been overweight since childhood and have never had any health issues besides asthma onset by a severe case of bronchitis when I was very young; I take my Ortho religiously, never miss a pill and am rarely late, so although I have regular with my boyfriend, I highly doubt there is even a chance I am pregnant (had my last period 2 weeks ago); I have been taking OTC ranitidine when I start to feel nauseated, but it is not helping much (helped with heartburn, though).

Loud Motorcycle or Jehovah's Witness -Which is more annoying?


Should I leave him or just talk it out with him?

Run,baby run! You got it right and so you are smart. Not everyone can pick up on those clues and draw the right conclusion. He must be much older than you and be guilty of statutory . (If you have been ual). His ex would probably have the police onto him if she knew about you, so that's why he cant see you when his son is there.

Is Offred from The Handmaid's Tale a reliable narrator?

No she's not. The story is told from her perspective, which is extremely limited. Even though it is her story, the reader is forced to put the pieces together and make umptions about the rest of the world.

Atheists, what differs animals from human beings?

You have obviously never had any interaction with dolphins or killer whales or you would realize how far down the intellectual ladder we are. You, in typical fundie manner, will say that they haven't built or accomplished anything. Intellect has nothing to do with opposible thumbs. Atheists are the ones who think.

Can any 'Avatar: The Last Airbender' fan stand 'The Last Airbender' movie?

Ok I saw it before I watched the tv series I loved it! Then I watched the tv series all of the episodes and absolutely fell in love with the tv series...then I watched the movie again I was dissappointed. It doesn't have the humour that the tv series has and theactors apparently never watched the tv series because they couldn't say aang, irohs or sokkas names right...the best actor in it was princess yue she did pretty good and could actually say sokkas name right. Give it a chance I still like it but not as much as I did

'skingdom hearts chest outside ariel's grotto?

There is a chest outside her grotto, and when you examine it, it says that you need to pull it out somehow?

Can 7month old babies have night terrors?

It is debated on whether babies can have bad dreams or nightmares. I believe they can if they aren't well adjusted or are stressed over something. He may be teething, having a growth spurt, or an ache somewhere...that is more likely than anything if your home is calm and your son hasn't experienced a trauma (which for a baby could be simple as falling on his bum from trying something new). I'd bring it up at his next checkup if it's still happening.

Should I ask him even though it might screw things up?

Him texting you a lot means he likes you. Being a guy we don't always see girl hints as well as they think. Guys are more straight forward and we would rather here straight you like us or not. We don't like betting around the bush. But if you jump into trying it, even if he says yes, you are still risking the friendship because what if you break up. I had a close friend in high school. We both really liked each other, but we didn't want to risk our friendship, so we just stayed friends. Now we are still really good friends 10 years later.

How do they stay thin?

How come all these great chefs like Michael Chiarello, Rachel Ray, Bobby Flay, Dave Lieberman, and Ingrid Hoffman are all tiny....they look like they never eat any of the food they cook. Now Paula Deen and Ina Garten and Mario Batali and Emeril Lage....they look like they actually eat their own cooking! How do these other cooks stay so thin? And speaking of cooks who eat their own Justin Wilson still alive? I miss seeing him.

Has anyone ever told you that you remind them of a song,movie..etc?

when i was in the 4th grade my best friend told me that i remind her of this cindy lauper song...and everytime i hear it i think of her...and 4thgrade...which was a fun time!...

What are the odds on the debate tonight?

I agree with your sentiments, however I sometimes wonder if any of the current candidates have a viable, workable plan to extricate the troops from Iraq, Afghanistan, and keep them home for the foreseeable future.

2 protein bars for breakfast how healthy is this?

i agree with made in hull but i do find my self rushing and just taking to protein bars for breakfast i did it to day

What is the difference between a good and bad SPY?

Not talking specific countries, but a good spy works in the best interests of the country he gets his paychecks from, a bad spy works for whoever is willing to pay him the most for his services. All spies are trained to do lots of things, most are well versed in hand to hand combat have some weapons training and for whatever country they are in have at least a basic knowledge of that country but can imitate someone from a country other than where they are from. When on foreign soil some of the rules we follow go out the window they will lie to anyone to get what they need, take whatever they think they need and can blend in quite well. A spy can be an in and vice versa. Now the FBI informant mentioned in the message above, just means you have a guy who is giving information to the FBI on someone or some group of people or something that they would have an interest in.

Macbeth is a tragic hero?

His flaw is hubris. All of his pride granted him the gall to murder the king, but it also caused him to disregard the Witches' warning about Macduff.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Am i bad person?i feel terrible............?

well i hope she doesn't read this or know someone at your gym. Other than that, having cramps and a headache is a legitimate excuse and she should understand. You can't make everyone happy by holding their hand for everything. I have backed out of situations that were similiar myself. She probably won't be too mad but might stop asking you to go with her places. It is a little rude to people when they may have counted on you for support to back out on them. I hope it all works out for you both. I am not sure if your basic question was " am i a bad person" if so. No you are not. You are human and humans make mistakes or changes in plans. Relax.

What are some good books for me?

I am a teen girl. I have read Twilight(loved it), Harry Potter(loved it). I like mystery's, suspense, romance, an drama. I have read most of Margaret Peterson Haddix's books, and I am finishing up the Percy Jackson and the Olympians Series. I have read both Cryptid Hunters book and can't wait for the 3rd. If someone could help me I would really appreciate it. :)

Hot water question, I have 4 zones, 3 zones are heating and one is not...?

Hot water question, I have 4 zones... 3 zones are heating and one is not... I have it controlled my one thermostat. If I put my hand on the pipe just above the boiler the pipe are hot. If I touch the first pipe area in this zone the pipes or baseboard is not.

--------why did my boyfriend say this...i don't get it..plss!-10 points?

As a 17 year old guy i can say that if we say something like that means that we mean it in some way. There are many ways to interpret what he meant whether it be that he had that feeling in the pit of his stomach or that he felt emotional from that day. I know its difficult but the best thing to do in this situation is to ask him what he meant. Good luck and remember that since he actually told his feelings to you then he must really care.

Do you know what these yucky bugs are in my fish tank?

These little things are called Planaria and they are tiny little worms that appear when there is excess food waste in the tank. You need to vacuum the gravel, do partial water changes, and stop over feeding your fishes.

I hate to ruin your tea party but Hitler is not socialist , he a fascist?

So then, you agree that Obama's taking over car companies, heath care and the heavy-handed regulation of the financial sector are fascist in nature. Obama's fascism is socialist corporatism.

Who is going to win the Superbowl 2010 for football?

the Colts. duh. They didnt even try those last two games, and plus, The Colts COULD have gone undefeated, its just Painter from Purdue wants other teams to win. Just watch, Colts are gonna atleast got to the Superbowl, and probably win it, because there are teams in the nfc that are just horrible, and few good ones.

Last day of premarital counseling at our church but she cheated?

the clergy will speak to her about this, then she can either lie or tell the truth. I would have informed the guy as well.

What is your dream fantasy baseball team for 2010?

Unless you're in a 4 team league, or are drafting against ppl who don't know/care about baseball, there's no way that team's realistic. Picking against autodraft would prevent you from getting 1/2 that team.

More drama in life! Whoopie! Please help fast!?

I had something like this happen with a friend of mine. We were friends for two years and things changed. People change and grow apart and make new friends. Its okay, ask someone else to room with you and who knows you could make some new really good friends and have a lot of fun. I have a new best friend that treated me better and I still hang out with my first friend. Everything is okay now and I feel a lot better about the situation with my old friend. She needed new friends and new space and thats okay, just don't get stuck on her. And if she wants to put you down then who needs her find a friend that gives equal effort and equal kindess toward you.l :) good luck!

Physics question *acceleration?

In all cases you will have 2 acceleration vectors. The first is gravity, which will always be directly downward. Secondly, the pendulum will always have an acceleration vector that is pointed directly towards the center point of the arc (centripetal acceleration). Start from this information and see what you can do with it.

My xbox 360 dvd drive won't play dvds?

I recently flashed my xbox 360 dvd drive so I can play backed up copies of the 360 games. I had a Liteon Drive and since I didn't want to buy a probe for it, I found a spare Samsung dvd drive from my broken 360. The drive works fine I haven't had any problems with it, but now since I flashed it the drive won't play normal dvds. It will read them then allow me to play them but while it is showing me all the federal warnings before you get to the dvd menu the screen comes up with the 360 symbol and says xbox 360 underneath it and the background is white. I can't do anything here I've tried clicking the main menu on but it doesn't work it just says "Action not available." Please help me. Thanks.

Good Freeware Operating Systems For 486's - P2's?

I got a bunch of old computers from the school. I want to save and reuse them, they range from 486's to 600MHz... What's a good freeware O.S to run on them? Something that might run windows programs.. I really need something that would run well!

I Need A Title For My Essay - Quick Points for You?

This video should answer your problems. It helped me it should work for you too! a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

QuickbooksPro 2005 how do I merge 2 payable accounts into one? The person who worked here before me had 2 acc?

Using QuickbooksPro 2005 how do I merge 2 payable accounts into one? The person who worked here before me had 2 accounts for the same vendor

I just bought a new skateboard, it's great the problem is that when i ollie the trucks or bushings get stuck?

I just bought an almost board by Daewon i bought the board at a store called zumiez. The board was $135.00 cause i got it customized now the problem is that when ever i ollie and land the board gets unbalanced to one side some times. The bushings get stuck now what i want to kow is if i have to buy new bushings or if there's a way i could fix that?

How do you put pocket pc games on your windows mobile?

I am using windows mobile 6.1 and windows xp computer. It said setup in the game but only said its a XML doent not a .cad like the directions say what do i do? i have autosync hooked up and it dosent work? please help

What are the benefits and risks of iodine water purification tablets?

I am hiking with a few people on a 24-mile hike (all day+) in Southeast Missouri wilderness. There is a free flowing semi-large stream (clear in most areas) nearby the trail. I'll refill my water in a canteen in the stream. Advice or good websites on this kind of water purification?

This is a POLL. If you had toooo....?

Develop an evacuation plan before a volcano eruption... what would u bring? Make a list of supplies and explain why you need it for each :]

Question about a man and womans life when they are in there 40's........?

if woman go through menopause later in life, why doesn't a mans testicles stop producing sperm when he's older?

Can you ever grasp the concept of the magnitude of heartache and pain you cause by lying?

For me, to lie is the ultimate disrespect which you can inflict on a person, and to the person that lies, it is an offense to his/her very soul.

How do you make the parachute created by Jean Pierre Blanchard?

I have a project in my history cl and I do not know how to make one. Please tell me how to do it so I can get an A. Thanks!

Something I can draw from The Da Vinci Code?

For English cl an extra credit project is doing a drawing from something in the book The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown. Any ideas? Thanks soooo much! (:

Daughter can't go to sleep without her bottle...?

I really wouldn't be too worried about it. Milk is good for her so it's really not worth the stress. Why are you so keen to get her off it? I have a 4yo boy and he's the same- he must have his milk from the bottle, 2-3x a day including one at night as he goes to bed.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

What is this movie about volleyball?

I remember 3-5 years ago I was with my third cousins, and we watched a movie about volleyball. It had one of the cheetah girls in it, and i cant remember what it was! Any help?

Farting? How Can someone p so, much gas?

Maybe you eat improperly. Watch what you eat and don't eat too quickly. Also, don't eat TOO much fiber. Fiber is good for you, but you'll smell it later, if you know what I mean.

Would you consider this flirting or being friendly?

I am a (straight at least Ithought I was till I fell for my best friend... who is a ) We hang out & talk & txt alot. I have noticed some changes in our friendship over the past few months & would like to know what someone else thinks. Obviously I am to scared to confront her , actually I am trying to work up the nerve. She likes to tease me.There have been alot of times where we are goofing around & she will grab me by the waist. She always touches my arm when we are talking, If I touch her she doesn't back away. One time she had something on her face & I reached up to it & she closed her eyes & smiled... am I imagining this? or something? when we talk, we both smile & laugh all the time. I feel like we have truly bonded .Sometimes when we are texting back & forth there is alot of teasing & comments about how she's taking a HOT bath, or how she doesn't wear pj's when we were talking about bedding, or I look y with whatever I have on, compliments on my jewlrey & clothes. We are not kids we are women this is not a high school thing. I guess sometimes it's just the way things come across. Lately she's been calling me & I like that better so that I hear her voice. Sometimes the tone of her voice changes. If we are in a large group sometimes we just kind of ignore each other, I think we both feel the same way about each other but I am sure she is confused since I am the straight one & wondering how I will react. Could it be she has a crush on me as well? If we are at a party & there is drinking thats a different story... We are always in each others personal space & if we are sitting next to each other she moves closer. Nothing has ever happened. I don't know if I am making more out of this than it is? I don't know how 's flirt or if it even is or if we are just super good friends? Should I just relax & see what happens? I love this lady alot & even if nothing ever happens she will always be the one who stole my heart & Is my true best friend.

What is the sad piano music used in Junjou Romantica anime episodes 10 and 11 called?

Watch over 550 Anime Series online at a href="" rel="nofollow"

If I own a LLC, do I have to write "LLC" on my business card after the business name? Must I write it at all?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Do you think Sam Newman should have been taken off air?

When the footy show first started it was a very funny show about football. Then it turned into the Collingwood footy show and once Eddie left, it all went pear shaped. James Brayshaw is so not funny, Gary Lyon is way too serious and Sam relies on gutter humour to attract a laugh. Unfortunately, it seems to work!! Sam Newman is all the footy show has. All he does is treat (some) guests like complete morons (Shane Crawford and Fev) and completely demean women. Hopefully while he is having his enforced sick leave, he can work on some new jokes and learn to admit when he has taken things a little bit too far and the footy show can go back to being watchable again. (though must say - I prefer Billy Brownless anyway!!)

I'm slow cooking beef ribs in my crock pot...Does the ribs need to be completely submerged for food safety?

I'm looking at the ribs in my crock pot and its just slowly cooking but some pieces are still room temp and its been that way for hours now. Is that safe?

I made a mistake. Obama puts a "gag order"?

Of course he did. That's just another thing that your friendly neighborhood tyrants do when they start violating our rights under the Constitution. Stand by for more evils against the citizenry done in the name of "good."

Help with Organic Chemistry!?

I need to know how to complete a Multistep Synthesis problem. Where should I look to get a simple example of how to correctly do one?

Can someone help me translate this? Czech or Slovak i think...?

Cau Monci, ale ozyvam :-) Mam sa fajn, som na Slovensku, uz som skoncila s modelingom. Z HK som odisla zaciatkom jula. Trosku mi aj chyba HK sem tam...Ale nestazujem si, doma je doma :-) Ty ako Moni? Kde si teraz? A co noveho... Read More, este cestujes?

HELP! What is the best way to deter my neighbor from storing his pinecones under the hood of my pick-up?

I only drive it 1-2 x wk and this crazy guy keeps storing them in every nook and cranny around the engine and between moving parts. I've parked the truck in 3 different spots and still have the same problem! By the neighbor(s),Buddy, is a squirel. He must be from the city..." 'cuz out here yu don't need to hide dem durned cones, weez got zillions"!!! ( I DO know why. Just need help with HOW)

Do video cards make a noticeable difference in movie watching?

Im buying a dell ( and it comes with a video card ATI Radeon X300 SE HyperMemory 128mb, i was wondering if there is any noticeable difference if i only use this to watch movies. Because Right now my computer is running a Radeon 9200SE 128mb and i cant see any difference compared to anyone else. even a 300$ video card. Is it just me? does this really affect movie watching?. And the same about Audio cards. I have a Sound blaster 5.1 and dont know if its worth upgrading to a THX sound card. would there be noticable difference?

Starting my adventure on World of Warcraft?

Just follow the tutorial, its very helpful for a first time player; as far as questing goes, Blizzard recently added a a questhelper thing that shows where you need to go (or you could get the addon called Questhelper, go to to get it), just open your questlog and "track" your active quests (or whichever ones you want to get done) and on your map it should show you the areas you need to go to and when you hover your mouse over a type of monster it should say in the tooltip you need to kill it for a quest. If you're on a trial account theres a lot of restrictions, so you might not be able to build a friends list, in wow its not like you have to add him first or he has to add you first, when you put someone on your list it just adds them, whether they add you or not. Pro tip: roll horde

Did the world end May 21, 2011?

I'm kind of afraid that it did! The prediction was too certain to be wrong, right?!?!?! Harold Crapping is obviously one of the smartest people in the world.

What should you do if a 1 week baby dosent go poo for 4 days?

my 1 week old son hasn't week poo for 4 days. i am feeding from the ( no bottle ) he been farting but now he is cry in he is in pain. his stomach not hard, its soft. i just don't know what to do.

Do Military Recruiters tell new recruits 40% of vets regret serving, or that 10,000 Iraq Vets commited suicide?

No, they don't. Not only do they not tell them all the things you mentioned above, but they also lie outright about the specific opportunities for people that enlist and then fudge the test scores to get people to sign up. Our military. Just like bankers and used car salesmen.

Is it not aManmohan Singh:Forget 1984, but not 2002?

PM, Puppet Manmohan should have had a change of heart instead of a surgery in heart; a sikh-turban over his brainless head is a curse on all sikhs, all over the country and world; manmohan, as a dealer in swiss bank finances, as a scrap dealer for congress, has lost his memory selectively; if he does not forget 1984, he would not have been certified as a loyal to sonia family to occupy the PM's post as puppet; it is sheer selfishness on the part of manmohan and congress, and as he is a broker in world bank politics, he talks about 'profit';

POLL : Is Yoru Dad a Racist Bigot?

Yes. My father was racist, so is my mother. ist too. They were raised in the 1940's and early 1950's; a time of racism and atrocities not only against races, but against women as well. But we learn from our parents mistakes and only the ignorant repeat those mistakes, isn't that right?

Can I use my blackberry service if I'm moving to a different country?

I live in Kuwait and I want to buy a blackberry and the service as well. The problem is that I'm going to the states for university in September. If I get the service here, can I still use it in the states? I know that I'll have to get a new phone number (obviously) but is it the same as the BB pin?

What has Obama accomplished?

I think the last post just proved your point, he hasn't done anything good for this country and no liberals can answer the question without saying how bad bush is.

Is a tramp stamp on your lower back?

it could be considered, but generally it is the middle of lower back usually above jeans, paired with the showcase of the waistband of a G-string. So unless u dnt wear red gstrings with superlow jeans and super high shirts with very low cut necklines, u may be safe.

Is it possible to dye my hair, braid it then.......PLZ HLP :)?

i don't think its a good idea to do it immediately after you dye it..wait at least two weeks between dying your hair and adding the extensions.. :o)

Indian girl seeing a black guy recently. He says he knows I won't marry him and that's just his dream?

Girl, you seem WAY too confused in the head. Everything you wrote was thrown randomly out there. He seems pretty genuine. Just be patient and wait until you actually move there and can get a good feel of how he really is. It's all about patience and independence.. don't rely on him or anybody, just yourself.

Can ozone filters used in cars?

Possibly can, but should not. It may cause serious damage and can bring serious threat to our environment. Better we should ask our scientists to not to do so if it may cause danger to the human society.

Have new laptop. Despise the way cursor jumps around on it's own. Way too fast. Don't know how to slow it.HELP

I got new wireless mouse which I love but the cursor still jumps around like crazy & decides to highlight stuff on it's own so I lose lots of messages I write. I'm pretty computer illiterate but I've looked all around on the computer settings, etc, but nowhere do I see where I can adjust the speed of the cursor. Can anyone help me?

I need to get a new laptop - can anyone help?

HP's are deffo the way forward mine is great and cheap. it was only �375 if you dont like Windows 7 you can always buy other Windows for �50

In one piece, a little after the defeat of crocodile how did luffys bounty go from 100 mil to 30 mil???

Im in ep. 140 and up and luffys bounty is suppose to be 100 mill but the text keeps saying 30 mill y is that???

OMG - Fatty Fatty two by four........?

I am 14 1/2 and VERY active with sports. I have been lifting weights as part of my soccer and basketball programs. However, I have noticed that I have been gaining around 7 lbs.! I know muscle weighs more than fat but geez I don't want to look like a freakin' hulk either...YIKES. I am a little over 5'10" and just weighed myself last night at 133. Is this a normal amount to gain. I do not eat poorly and I am always moving and please!! Thanks!

T-mobile really screwed me over CANCELLED ME Without NOTICE!?

Bill always up to date 5 phone lines, one for my business, 8 year loyal customer. Said I was Roaming too much! My contract says unlimited roaming, and have been for years. They lied and said they were paying the other towers .50/min when I roamed. hmmmm thats a thousand dollars a month! I lost business calls. I received no letter of termination or warning by text. NOT GOOD BUSINESS! I'm out and never coming back. I suggest no one sign anymore contracts just for a lousy new phone either. This really takes the cake.

I need printable worksheets for parents of surviving children of ual abuse. Where would I find this?

I work with parents of surviving children of ual abuse & I can't find any worksheets. Can You Help?

Is Bush wasting our military personnel?

I learned this in my statistic cl, you can make the number read what you want them to read, it the actual number will come across as being more supportive to point. Than you use the actual number, if the percentage works best you use the percentage to make your point. The point is I would like to know the ratio not the actual number, than we can probably answer the question

Protein Bar Confusion?!?

Ok, so I just got an Atkins Advantage Peanut er bar. I need help understanding the whole protein bar thing. My doctor told me I was lacking protein. Will this help? Do Protein bars make you gain weight? What happens if I don't exercise and I take a protein bar? Please help me out! Thank You!

Graphics cards?? agp PCI-E?

This will allow you to run dual monitors... You should use the PCI-Express (16X) over the avg (8x) speeds

DEH 2900MP tuning?

I was just wondering if anyone has/had that HU and was wondering like a good way to tune all the sound setting to make it sound good.

Looking for info on g-g-grandma.?

Actually you know a great deal about her life. If you are looking for a site that is free is very good. Also the Family History Centers are open to the public, are free.and have many subscription sites on the computers.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Slow cooker vs. crock pot... Please read, it's a simple question?

try a little higher like 200* that is the setting i use when i slow cook meat in the oven. 110* is about as hot as the hot water that comes out of my faucet. 120* isn' that much hotter than that. i don't think it is hot enough to cook meat properly. that's more like a setting to keep cooked food warm.

Polls & Surveys has always intrigued me, are you guys really this boring?

I'm too f�u�c�k�i�n�g stupid to hang out anywhere else. It makes me cry, nightly. Have a wonderful day!

What the name of the song with a preachers daughter its country ?

what the name of the song with a preachers daughter who is like having cloths on a line and runs a way with a biker and its a male singer and he said like she saved him and something about her eyes?

I trade larry fitzgerald for antonio gate,clinton portis and antonio bryant...was this a good trade?

I'd need more information about your team. It could potentially be a great trade, but if you already have better RBs than Portis and don't plan on starting Bryant it could be a bust.

What would you do if u had a child that is 8 years old but loves to keep cps on your but as much as possible?

she makes up stories like her step dad hitting me in the stomach with a hammer and then she accused him of trying to molest her and then she accused me of video taping it, and what makes it so bad was i was molested as child a she is a result of that molestation and then she makes these allegations and gets all 3 of my girls taken away from me and i dont know what to do to get them back.

Will Osborne ever blame himself?

He'd blame the wind if he was prosecuted for murder, the colour of the sky if it was and the winter for messing up the economy.

French homework help? D:?

A) a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Indoor/indoor track shoes?

what are the best shoes for indoor and outdoor track, is there a difference? what are really good brands and styles? is puma good? i love the little puma. lemme know(:

Please i need help quick?

i need to lose 12 and a boy and weigh 135lbs. with muscle i work out every day for around 30-50 minitues so i have muscle weight 2. i run everyday for about 4 miles i play basketball for 2 hours and football occasionally on weekdays for 2 hours and 30 minutes i drink muscle milk protein drink everyday and take about 15 pills everynight mostly vitamins. i eat cereal with oj in the mornin special k. i eat barely anything for lunch on weekdays i eat subway or wendys for supper occasionally

Civil engineering question?

A 2.1m long, 24mm diameter reinforcing bolt, deforms 12mm along it full length when subjected to an applied axial, tensile load of 224kN. If the diameter of the same bolt was increased to 27mm, the amount of deformation, for the same load, would now be?

Which book should I read?

I think that The Great Gatsby is a pretty good book, it's get sorta exciting at the end (the beginning is slow, but it's worth it) and definitely has The American Dream as a main theme.

Can I give credits to another member on listia?

Does anyone know if you can transfer credits from one account to another on If so, how? Thanks!

In the book of diary of anne frank when did the jewish people gor liberated and by who?

The Jews were liberated upon the defeat of the Nazis. This happened over the course of about a month, in April 1945-May 1945. Anne Frank was imprisoned in Bergen-Belsen concentration camp. She died in mid-March 1945, and the camp was liberated by British troops on April 15, 1945, about 3 weeks after she died. Just a little too late.

Help help help pleasee urgent?

I read that book last year, and it was a good book. between the quote and Esperanza's family... You could explain why the quote should explain the novel. And you 3 things you're writing is 3 good things. Enjoy you r essay. GOOD LUCK!

Can anyone give me just a little help?

Now i know this is pretty usual stuff. A teenage girl feeling anonymous and whatever but i need some help. I want to start this with i come from a fairly wealthy background but recently my mom lost her job and my father hasn't been paying child support. I'm also a scholarship student at a boarding school for horseback riding. I'm generally a happy person, but since i've left school for summer term i've been very depressed if you will. I'm feeling lonely. i have no will to wake up and get out of bed in the morning and i have no will to sleep at night. My habitat (or my bedroom where i barricade myself for about 10 hrs. a day) is a mess, and i also have no will to clean up. I just recently got a job and i start tomorrow morning. At least that will get me out of the house. But it's not enough. Since i left for school, not many of my home friends have been talking to me. and the one kind of sketchy guy friend that i had i just cut ties with. and so i figured that this summer i would rebuild my home image and bring back the me i know i can be. But i have this stupid gold award project getting in the way of everything. my mom is scheduling things for me nonstop and she doesn't even check with me to make sure it doesn't interfere with my social life or my plans. it really upsets me and when i went to confront her about it she just yells at me. so i just need a little help dealing with all this. and please don't give me answers like just be happy or something dumb and cheesy like that. i need real help I'm on the brink of a total break down and then from there swirling chaos in my life.

Gunsmithing: how to remove rusted screws from riflescope rings?

I don't you will find an extractor small enough. Drilling the screws out with a bit the correct size to us a tap for that size screw would be best. Drill it out (carefully don't get into the metal outside the screw) and then tap it. Unless the rings are the original that came on the rifle, I would just drill the screw heads off, salvage the scope and replace the rings.

How can I wipe an XP pc clean clean, but still keep its operating system intact?

I have a virus on my pc, Iwant to erase everything and start from scratch, however i dont want to be unistalling the OS and reinstalling it cause it takes to long, is there a way I can erase everything but still keep my OS on my pc?

Cheap but beautiful vacation spot?

My family is thinking about going on a cheap vacation . Since Christmas has just gone by we don't have tons of money right now. We are looking for somewhere with cheap flights and resort. For the last few years we have been going on cruises ,which yes are very cheap. but we would like to stay at an all inclusive resort,not located in Mexico because of the swine. please respond we need to book fast and if you now of any seat sales or package deals please let us know.Thanks

Which celebrity's death were you the most shocked to hear about?

I was shocked to hear about John Ritter, Christopher Reeve, Heath Ledger, and of course Michael Jackson.

Why is it football teams never play the superbowl at home but in hockey, the Stanley cup is played at home?

If there is a super bowl in football, each team plays away at a random stadium but however, if it is a Stanley cup game, one hockey team is playing at home so in other words, a hockey team will be able to win a Stanley cup game at home or the final Stanley cup game? In football, no team can win the super bowl at home though. Why is that?

Best sci-fi games for XBOX and PC?

What are the best sci-fi games for the xbox 360 and PC? Besides the obvious like M Effect and Halo, what others are on the 'Best List'? And when i say sci-fi i mean like space and aliens and spaceships, laser canons and floating cities etc...the whole shabang!lol.

Can you put flash into a blackjack 2?

i have the blackjack 2 and its so annoying since it doesnt have flash!!!any where [websites]were u can download flash?is this possible?

Are TETRA TEC APS 50 quiet pumps, and can they go on a biorb 60l?

Yes and maybe yes. this question was asked recently on Yahoo and while everyone agrees they are quiet, the manufacturers of complete units tend to deliberately make things so that competitors equipment doesn't fit. We unfortunately never heard back from the person who was going to use one in a biorb.You may have to get one see if it fits, and if not wrap it back up in its package and return least from the experience you'll get and idea approximately what fits in biorbs.

Please help. What are my chances at these colleges with a slightly lower GPA?

You will have no problem getting into any of those schools, and your GPA is very good. About the tuition I can't speak for everyone, but I personally choose the lower tuition school so that my family wouldn't have to struggle paying for it, and I regret it immensely because in doing that I gave up some of my dreams. But you have to weigh the pros and cons for yourself. About the anxiety I can relate because I have gone through times where it has affected me, but instead write about something you are pionate about because that will shine through better than an essay on your anxiety.