Monday, August 8, 2011

Can anyone give me just a little help?

Now i know this is pretty usual stuff. A teenage girl feeling anonymous and whatever but i need some help. I want to start this with i come from a fairly wealthy background but recently my mom lost her job and my father hasn't been paying child support. I'm also a scholarship student at a boarding school for horseback riding. I'm generally a happy person, but since i've left school for summer term i've been very depressed if you will. I'm feeling lonely. i have no will to wake up and get out of bed in the morning and i have no will to sleep at night. My habitat (or my bedroom where i barricade myself for about 10 hrs. a day) is a mess, and i also have no will to clean up. I just recently got a job and i start tomorrow morning. At least that will get me out of the house. But it's not enough. Since i left for school, not many of my home friends have been talking to me. and the one kind of sketchy guy friend that i had i just cut ties with. and so i figured that this summer i would rebuild my home image and bring back the me i know i can be. But i have this stupid gold award project getting in the way of everything. my mom is scheduling things for me nonstop and she doesn't even check with me to make sure it doesn't interfere with my social life or my plans. it really upsets me and when i went to confront her about it she just yells at me. so i just need a little help dealing with all this. and please don't give me answers like just be happy or something dumb and cheesy like that. i need real help I'm on the brink of a total break down and then from there swirling chaos in my life.

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