Sunday, August 14, 2011

Im 16 in GA and want to marry my boyfriend (more info)?

ok. so i posted somethin a few minutes ago and ill go more into detail. the only reason we want to get married is because he is moving out of the country for a while. im at HIS house not his parents. ive been with him since i was 13 and ive dated plent of people to know hes the one. getting pregnant is a selfish thing to do but if it would keep us together than i would do it. we have almost 6 grand saved up for a kid and we both have wonderful jobs with great benifits and pay. im already graduating this spring and plan to take online cles to become a RN or an LPN. so yes we have thought about this an yes getting preg. is a way to get married because you are emancipated. so weve thought about this in detail. if i wait till im 18 ill be wasting 2 years of my life waiting and so will he. my parents dont understand that. we love each other an know that it will be hard if we have a kid but our jobs are wonderful and if we were to move we can transfer with the same positions at the same companys so again weve thought about it and we cant afford really to wait any longer. i just need to know if theres anyway yes or no if we could get married without parental consent.

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