Monday, August 8, 2011

Yeast infection or something more? please, please hlp!?

I have alot of irritation and a little blood like a cut from the soreness my mom said it was normal because she gets it she think its a yeast infection down there i also urinate very frequently but thats not new i always have. i have very bad anxiety so thats what i blame it on. i looked up l yeast infections and gonnorhea popped up they said there is not many symptoms to show up and its from being in contact but i have not had in a year and am in a commited relationship and have but i am sure he is safe, it says symptoms shoow up 2-10 days after i am scared its probably a yeast infection but help what could it be?:( im only just 18 i do not want an std i have been veryy safe in the past exept once and i dont think he had any infections we dated for a yr so idk but besides that everyone else has been clean or protected not that there was alot! helppp plzz thxxx!

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